
Showing posts from March, 2024

What is Sao Lim Wing Chun?

INTRODUCTION: Sao Lim Wing Chun is a synergy of Shaolin Kung Fu and Wing Chun  The foundation training will be from the Shaolin kung Fu philosophy, concentrating on building strength, endurance, stamina and self discipline. This part of the training is from my late Sifu, the famous Shaolin Master “Iron Fist” Chong Beng Joo. He was one of the most prominent disciple of Reverend Sek Koh Sum, the legendary 49th generation of the Chinese Buddhist lineage; the first being the  revered Bodhidharma (Damo). Wing Chun Kuen’s concept and principles will form the basis of the training method for techniques and applications. Wing Chun Kuen trains the awareness and sensitivity of one’s own body movements derived from the soft, relaxed tendon and joints power. It emphasizes on the center line theory, using opponent’s strength than using own brute strength, structural integrity, economy of energy, timing and space.   Weapons training will be part of the curriculum, using different

Philosophy of Sao Lim Wing Chun

Philosophy Sao Lim Wing Chun is not intended to be just a martial art style or a self defense system, or a tactical effective fighting method. It is also a well thought philosophical approach for cultivating a holistic well-being to help the modern society to de-stress and have a balanced life style.  By synergizing various Kung Fu systems, it aims to effectively finished any encounters as fast as possible by subduing the opponent instead of causing maximum harm. In order to do so, Qinna is heavily emphasized in the system. Qinna is also very appropriate and effective for self- defense, especially so for ladies. in order to do that, the "soft", "internal", "joint power" and "core body muscles" must be developed through various breathing methods, body alignment, "sticky energy", "sinking energy", mass, momentum and force flow etc. "Rolling hands", called Dap Sao Flow, in our our system, is a method to develo

My Wing Chun Journey

My Wing Chun Journey I have been "meddling" with Wing Chun for about twenty years, researching into the origin and different types of Wing Chun. Up till now no neutral, impartial researchers can come up with a conclusive findings. Whenever I met somebody who ask me about my lineage, I actually "frown" inside me, can't help wondering how much the questioner understand about Wing Chun. But it is natural that if anybody is affiliated  with a certain lineage, they will be automatically "loyal" to that lineage, protecting, defending and promoting their vested self-interest. Sometimes people failed to realize the Truth..... and may not want to acknowledge it. There are many unscrupulous martial artists getting affiliated with so called "Grand masters" just to exploit the popularity of Wing Chun. Equally unscrupulous are the so called "Grand masters", appointing their representatives with just a few seminars. These are the dish

Wing Chun in the 2000s of today world

Wing Chun is one of the most popular Kung Fu style in the world today..... Wing Chun's origin was from Southern China, believed to be from the Shaolin temple. Its true origin is still yet to be proven or verified. There are a few versions of its origin, which seem to be probable but still some facts just don't match or tally. The most talked about is the Buddhist nun, Ng Mui witnessing the battle of the Crane and the Snake....... teaching the Art to Yim Wing Chun ......  Through time, Wing Chun has evolved in many ways, but the "visual" core characteristics are still recognizable. Some are very hard and external, some are soft and "internal" and some are mixed with other Kung Fu styles. Under the influences and backgrounds of different masters, diverse styles of Wing Chun were evolved. Not surprisingly more new variations will materialize as time goes by. Today one can see many fractions of Wing Chun, like Yip Man Wing Chun (which is one of the post p

Kung Fu is an Art.

Kung Fu can be a "fighting art", as a means to fight to save lives, to protect weaklings, to deter bullies etc, but most important it must be look upon as an Art that builds resilience, integrity, righteousness and morality. Kung Fu is not "Fighting", Kung Fu is "Art", is martial art ....the Art of Justice, Humility and Righteousness. In the modern era, many people train with the wrong concept. Why? Being deluded by the commercial promotion of showbiz organisers in martial arts tournaments and equally deluded by the so called "grandmasters" in the martial arts world. Many train and fight like what you see in tournaments. To them, that is fighting. Growing up in a rough neighborhood at a young age, fighting is second nature to a street boy. I grew up during the time where the street is our playground, where there are seasonal activities, like kite fighting, marbles competitions, fighting spiders craze, cards collection and many &qu

Subconscious Mind and Kung Fu

Subconsciousness Mind and Kung Fu It is a known and acceptable fact that we use just a very small capacity of our brain power. In fact, the Subconscious Mind accoun ts for a big percentage of our brain capacity that we seldom use. As most of us are mostly using our so-called “brain”, meaning consciously using to analysis, think, assume, infer, conclude etc, these are Conscious Mind’s domain. That is why only a small percentage of our brain capacity is used. In most Martial Arts training, we are using this part of the brain. If one is to train with the Subconscious Mind, there will be a world of difference.  According to recent psychological neuroscience studies, the “brain” is not only confined within the skull, but is spread throughout the body. Your “Mind” can directly or indirectly control the “involuntary function” including heartbeat, blood pressure and body temperature. In Sao Lim Wing Chun, our “Dap Sao” drills are designed for that purpose. We use our intentions to co


Science of Mastering Kung Fu Following up from the last Post of "Intention to Manifestation", let's look further into the "Science of Kung Fu mastery". It will make you realize how you can improve, learn effectively and understand the philosophy of it. First, we must understand how we learn. We must understand how our thought affect our actions, our movements, our emotion, our perception even our apprehension etc. Sound a big deal to understand? Yes! What make a person different from another person, is how these make us different. We have different backgrounds, influences, physical and mental capabilities and capacities, and therefore we will learn, assimilate and express differently. But first let us understand our brain which the Mind uses to process, analyse and conclude, from our five sensory consciousnesses. Let's see a scenario ( an example of a typical straightforward punch again):- "A" gives a direct straight punch to the face

Sao Lim Wing Chun Lotus Form ( first part )

Sao Lim Wing Chun Lotus Form Sao Lim Wing Chun Lotus form (first part, the stationary part to develop the very Essences of fundamental foundations) In this part, we are developing the following:- 1. The joints power, opening and closing our bio-mechanics in the joints and energizing the intrinsic stored potential energy in our Physical Body 2. Activating and Enhancing our overall “Hydraulic” biological system 3. Synergizing our “Pneumatic” breathing system into our bio-mechanics and Energy Body 4. Developing the very important “Sinking” elemental foundation 5. The “YiJinJing” internalization into our Physical Body 6. The cultivation of the “Auto-pilot” programming subconsciously into our Mental Body. 7. Settling into the State of “Meditation” in the execution of the Form 8. The Stretching and Releasing of our fascia, with “Mindfulness”. 9. Synchronicity and Synergy of all the above, to have an effective and overall internal and external training method Sao L

SECTION 1 -- The Opening Stance

The Opening Stance As the title implies, the Opening Stance is in fact the "Opening" of the Physical Body, the Joints, the Hips, the Ribs Cage, the Shoulder Blades, the Spines and Vertebrae (esp. C7, T11,  Sacrum & Coccyx). Opening also implies the "Opening" of the Energy Centers, esp. the Ming Men, Tan Tien, Heart, Solar plexus, Crown and Root Energy Centers. Important to take note is the tip of the tongue should always touch the upper palate of the mouth during the exercise. However, there are a few training objectives in the Opening Stance, depending on the level, effort, intensity and the depth of training of each students. When the students are observed to be ready for a more in-depth cultivation, instructions then will be given accordingly and appropriately. In fact the most important Essence of the fundamental foundation training is in the Opening Stance. It is from this that the system is built upon and moved on. The Opening Stance will mean nothin

SECTION 2 -- Stretching and Releasing

Section 2 -- Stretching and releasing the arms, torso, core muscular structure, ligaments, sinews, tendons etc to enable Qi to flow unimpeded. In order to allow the vital energy, Qi to flow freely, the Body must be "opened". The stretching and releasing will allow the flow to be unimpeded. It also allow potential energy to be stored in the joints, wrapping of the muscular fabrics, the fascia, space between the cellular structure and layers in between tissues, muscles and tendons. You will know whether you have train effectively when the feeling of "rubble" sensation are on your arms, packed with Qi. These training is also beneficial to the internal organs as they need to "breathe" also and need the vital Qi energy to be healthy. Important to make sure the tip of the tongue touches the upper palate of the mouth throughout the exercise. There are 4 groupings of exercises in this section, briefly described below:- 1. Vertical (hollow) punc

SECTION 3 -- "Sinking" and "pumping up" the Hydraulic and synergising the Pneumatic

SECTION 3 -- "Sinking" and "pumping up" the Hydraulic biological system, synergizing with the Pneumatic Qi dynamics. One of the important element in In-Fighting is "Sinking". It is a vital empowerment tool to be able to control, trap and manipulate your opponent. This "upper hand" give you the advantage in timing and therefore able to "read" what is the opponent next move. Most fights, there will be a lot of exchanges in punches and kicks, with unpredictable outcomes and for sure both will suffer beatings. With trappings, the more skillful exponent will have advantage and the outcome more obvious. This Section  is basically the typical "Three Prayers to Buddha". but the training objectives is to develop "Interception", "Sinking", "Swallowing" and "Fa Jin". Similarly, like in the Section 2, the torso core muscular structure will be the initiator, controller and manipulator. Thes


Section 4 -- YiJinJing The Main objective of this Section 4 -- YiJinJing is to train our tendons and sinews to transform them, from flaccid and frail to strong and sturdiness. The movements are done with hard compression to gentle relaxation, combining with breath works. Breathing is very important, because it is not about the air or oxygen, it is about delivering the prana vital energy to all the body parts, arms, hands and fingers. Combining with "Yi" or Intention, and bio-mechanics, you can maximize your physical potential. Make sure the tip of the tongue always touches the upper palate of the mouth. Having tougher muscles and tendons means having better endurance, flexibility, more resistance and resilience. The exercises also invigorate the limbs and internal organs. If perform mindfully, it can integrate the Physical Body, Energetic Body and Mental Body. One will be able to summon the prana energy to the point of contact, increasing the sensitivity of touch, empow


SECTION 5 -- SUI LIN TAO The Section 5, Sui Lin Tao in our Sao Lim Wing Chun syllabus is to understand how to do simultaneous defense and attack, economy of time and space, sensitivity in receiving and flowing with the vector force, and cultivate the Body potential. Train with these concepts and principles, if not the form lost its profound purpose. The purpose is also to internalize the techniques into your neurological system. The Physical and Mental Body will store these experiences and subconsciously manifest when the situations require.  Once you are in "Auto-Pilot" mode, that is doing the form without thinking, the Mind will be operating "in-the-moment', not interfered by the Ego. When you are applying the techniques with a training partner during "chi sao", and discover that you can almost "read" what is your opponent's intention, you are reaching the level that you can "mind-read" the situation, and therefore influen


SECTION 6 -- "Auto-pilot" programming of Wing Chun Chum Kui In this Section 6, our primarily objective is to develop sensitivity in motion and flow with the vector force to control and manipulate the opponent. You act accordingly to your opponent's action. "He move, you reach first." "Follow to Lead". "Water will find its way". Use these phrases to guide you in the practice. The Chum Kui in motion and application, is used to apply these concepts and principles. Forms are just Forms. It is how you give meaning to the Form that is appropriately designed for. Important to take note that every moment is initiated, controlled and driven by the torso core muscular structure with coordination to the footworks. Different development or cultivation can happen if you understand yourself, and have achieve a certain proficiency. You can be your Own Teacher. Believe in yourself.


Section 7 -- "Auto-Pilot" programming of Wing Chun's Bui Jee In this Section 7, our main focus is to "internalise", develop and utilise the kinetic energy in the turning, spiraling and thrusting movements with the body and limbs. We look into the Essence, embrace it and "auto-pilot" in practicing the Form. One of the most important lesson in Bui Jee is the spiral rotational force momentum. How to apply this skill set in In-Fighting and stand-up grappling situations should be the forte of Wing Chun practitioners. There are also many deadly striking techniques that are in the Form, like the Leopard fist to the ribs, thrusting fingers to the eyes or throat, the oblique palm strike to the liver or the lifting palm strike to the jaw. We drill this Form repeatedly so that they become second nature to use it. As much as had been said and echoed that Wing Chun is a conceptual Art. The Form is designed to generate, inculcate and drill into our su


SECTION 8 -- MEDITATION In this Section 8 -- Meditation, we are not talking about the typical meditations (of which there are many type and variations) which you will be sitting down and "think of nothing". Rather you will be standing in the Neutral stance with the vertical fists by the side of the chest, eyes close and "think" of the whole sequence from Section 1 to Section 7. you will be performing the whole sequence in your "visualization". Train the Mind to train the Body. It is a very important method that I "deduce" from a very skillful Yi Quan master and sharing with you, after trying out myself. Sport psychologists, bio-scientists and neurologists have also done many experiences to prove this "Mind over matter" capabilities. In this process of "Still Meditation" there are "non-physical movements", and when you do the Dynamic physical movements there should be "stillness" in the Mind. But


Reflection of the Lotus Form (Part 1 , Section 1-8) If you have spend enough time to go through Section 1 to Section 8, practice progressively and internalize as much as you can over time, you will feel you are 'INTERNALLY" empowered. Your stamina improved, better sense of balance, movements are more coordinated, less tension in the muscles, less body ache and more mindful.  I felt in reflection, these training are giving fast results and easy to learn. Next is to put these training into practical use. But before doing that, we need a training method to help us assimilate into our bio-memory, hard-wired our neurological networks and program our subconscious mind. And the method we adopt is what we call " Dap Sao Flow", an exercise to simulate the twelve possibilities of combative hand positions. The main focus of the exercise is to be able to feel without seeing what is happening and to be able to act accordingly without thinking. It is not a competition, it i

Blind-folded Dap Sao Flow

Blind-folded Dap Sao Flow When you have done considerable amount of practice in the Dap Sao Flow, it will be good to do Blind-folded Dap Sao Flow to further increase the sensitivity level and 'AUTO-PILOT" programming. To do that, it is imperative that the Ego should take a back seat. Let the subconscious mind to do the job. Do you have to tell yourself how to balance on a bicycle once you know how to cycle? How do you drive from one place to another? Do you need to tell your hands and feet what to do? Similarly, once you have "over-learn", "internalize" the Dap Sao Flow, your subconscious mind will take over. The blind-folding exercise will bring you to the next level of sensitivity. Similarly, the practice is a give and take flow exercise. at the same time instilling into the practitioners the quality of tolerance and reflection. At every moment, the practitioners are learning to "listen" each other physical, energetical, mental and psych

Intercept, Adhere & Control

INTERCEPT, ADHERE & CONTROL A fight definitely need to be in contact one time or another. That is where our training on Dap Sao Flow will come in  handy, as it prepares us subconsciously to handle the twelve probable hands positions. We are able to flow with the vector force, automatically move and re-position to our advantage. The sense of where you should position yourself, ability to receive, re-direct, deflect and absolve will manifest instinctively because of the Dap Sao Flow training. Therefore, first we must learn to INTERCEPT. Learn the timing to intercept, the simultaneous movement to safely intercept and re-position to energetically engaged with the vector force so that ADHERE can occur. It is the energy you put onto your opponent (be it as forward energy, sinking energy or pulling energy) and the opponent's reaction that made this possible. When these few factors are in place then you can have CONTROL of the situation. Next is your skill in manipulating the sit

Elaboration of Dap Sao Flow

Elaboration of Dap Sao Flow In the Dap Sao Flow exercise, there is an element of give and take instilling into the practitioners the quality of tolerance and reflection. The practitioners learn to "listen" (have awareness) to each other physical, mental, energetic and psychological state of being at every moment. The Flow training is to simulate many sets of encounters, that is, there are numerous "starts & stops" in the continuous flow, which practitioners must understand. At the same time the practitioners must be aware of the possibilities (opportunities and dangers) and what is necessary, but without doing it. However, the practitioners must be cautious that it would not become a habit of "chasing hands". Therefore, if possible, is to practice a "one, two and action" combination. Better still a "one check and action" kind of techniques. Whatever we train, the mind will "record" into our subconscious mind. Ther