Blind-folded Dap Sao Flow

Blind-folded Dap Sao Flow

When you have done considerable amount of practice in the Dap Sao Flow, it will be good to do Blind-folded Dap Sao Flow to further increase the sensitivity level and 'AUTO-PILOT" programming. To do that, it is imperative that the Ego should take a back seat. Let the subconscious mind to do the job. Do you have to tell yourself how to balance on a bicycle once you know how to cycle? How do you drive from one place to another? Do you need to tell your hands and feet what to do? Similarly, once you have "over-learn", "internalize" the Dap Sao Flow, your subconscious mind will take over. The blind-folding exercise will bring you to the next level of sensitivity.

Similarly, the practice is a give and take flow exercise. at the same time instilling into the practitioners the quality of tolerance and reflection. At every moment, the practitioners are learning to "listen" each other physical, energetical, mental and psychological state of being. As there is no competition, there is no stress and imposing threat. The nervous system is at ease and can maximise its capability to respond to the stimulation in the Dap Sao Flow exercise.

It may seem to be impractical in real fighting, which is definitely true. But the objectives is not that, It is to prepare for a deeper understanding of "Intercept", "Adhere" and "Control", which is the next step in the progressive training methodology.


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