Science of Mastering Kung Fu

Following up from the last Post of "Intention to Manifestation", let's look further into the "Science of Kung Fu mastery". It will make you realize how you can improve, learn effectively and understand the philosophy of it.

First, we must understand how we learn. We must understand how our thought affect our actions, our movements, our emotion, our perception even our apprehension etc. Sound a big deal to understand? Yes! What make a person different from another person, is how these make us different. We have different backgrounds, influences, physical and mental capabilities and capacities, and therefore we will learn, assimilate and express differently. But first let us understand our brain which the Mind uses to process, analyse and conclude, from our five sensory consciousnesses.

Let's see a scenario ( an example of a typical straightforward punch again):-

  • "A" gives a direct straight punch to the face of "B".

  • "B" may react by flinching, dodging or raising the hands to cover the face as a natural survival instinctive reaction.

  • If "B" is trained in martial art, he may react with some counter techniques to defend himself and succumb the attacker.

  • In order to do it successfully, "B" must be well-trained in that particular technique. That's the body knows how to react accordingly and automatically, not using the Mind to analyse and direct thoughts to the body parts to react. That's why proper technical drilling is important.

  • Let's examine into the brain's process, from "learning", to "doing" and to "knowing".

  • "Learning" is the process where you can understand how to do a certain technique. "Doing" is putting into practice the technique many times over and over again. "Knowing" is when you can automatically execute the technique accordingly to the situation. 

  • What happens during each state and how one state becomes to the next state. Let's continue to examine.

  • At the "Learning" state, the sensory organs will act as feedback to the "First" brain, the big exterior enveloping part called the Neocortex, which is the seat of our conscious awareness. The mental awareness that you are using now, reading this. The brain has 100 billions over neurons. This is the part of the brain that collect, organize and process all the data and information. This how we the process of "learning". The neurons in the physical brain organ will wire and gang into certain certain neurological pattern and stored as tangible networks.

  • When these come together into jungles or bundles of neurological networks and the moment these string into place, the brain releases a chemical, and that's experience by us as feeling or emotion. This chemical will be released to the Limbic brain, our "Second" brain that is enveloped by the "First" brain, and stored there as memories. But these memories need to be enhanced, reinforced and imprinted neurologically, by proper, accurate drilling over and over again until the Body becomes the Mind, internalizing the knowledge into experience.

  • When that happens, you are changing your body chemically to understand what your Mind intellectually and physiologically understood. The knowledge that your Mind acquired has now become the experience of your Body. So now you are "Embodying" the knowledge. The Body and Mind are in coherence.That's the Body and Mind are in synchronicity. When that happens, the 'Third" brain, called the Cerebellum, the seat of the Subconscious Mind will be activated. Now you are in the sate of "Knowing". You don't know how it is done but you automatically know what to do. And nobody can take that away from you. Your Body will not forget how to do it, for it will be subconsciously done. You just know how to counter an attack. And that appear so easy. But nobody understand how much effort had been put into it. But it is important to have sufficient, proper, skillful and precision practices.

  • If you were to apply this concept into all your techniques, you can be a master of what you are train in. Master each technique, then you have mastered your Kung Fu!

However, your Physical and Mental state will be also be influenced by the environment (things, people and situation) you are in. Therefore, it is desirable and more conducive to train in an appropriate environment to expedite and empower your training.


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