Philosophy of Sao Lim Wing Chun


Sao Lim Wing Chun is not intended to be just a martial art style or a self defense system, or a tactical effective fighting method. It is also a well thought philosophical approach for cultivating a holistic well-being to help the modern society to de-stress and have a balanced life style. 

By synergizing various Kung Fu systems, it aims to effectively finished any encounters as fast as possible by subduing the opponent instead of causing maximum harm. In order to do so, Qinna is heavily emphasized in the system. Qinna is also very appropriate and effective for self- defense, especially so for ladies. in order to do that, the "soft", "internal", "joint power" and "core body muscles" must be developed through various breathing methods, body alignment, "sticky energy", "sinking energy", mass, momentum and force flow etc.

"Rolling hands", called Dap Sao Flow, in our our system, is a method to develop "sticky energy"which form the basic foundation for sensitivity training, techniques and strategies for unarmed combat. The elements of "Earth, Water, Fire and  Air" will be employed in the Flow exercise, and expressed through "Xin, Yi, Jin, Qi" at different levels of understanding and proficiency of which one keep progressing through the cultivation process. Equally important is the "impulse energy" or "Fa Jin", the "holding energy" and the "subduing energy".

Sao Lim Kung Fu various forms provide these training methods to develop these energies. The various breathing methods not only provide the "fuel" and "stamina" for the Art, it is also a very important exercise for well-being and de-stressing. In corporating different method of "Meditation", Sao Lim Wing Chun will be a holistic Kung Fu and well-being system for the modern society.


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