SECTION 3 -- "Sinking" and "pumping up" the Hydraulic and synergising the Pneumatic

SECTION 3 -- "Sinking" and "pumping up" the Hydraulic biological system, synergizing with the Pneumatic Qi dynamics.

One of the important element in In-Fighting is "Sinking". It is a vital empowerment tool to be able to control, trap and manipulate your opponent. This "upper hand" give you the advantage in timing and therefore able to "read" what is the opponent next move.

Most fights, there will be a lot of exchanges in punches and kicks, with unpredictable outcomes and for sure both will suffer beatings. With trappings, the more skillful exponent will have advantage and the outcome more obvious.

This Section  is basically the typical "Three Prayers to Buddha". but the training objectives is to develop "Interception", "Sinking", "Swallowing" and "Fa Jin". Similarly, like in the Section 2, the torso core muscular structure will be the initiator, controller and manipulator. These again can only be experienced through practice, physically, energetically and mentally. The only way is to start to practice and questions will come out naturally. Then answers will be revealed. One intangible subtle element to add on in this section, is "Yi" or "Intent" or "Mind Power". Through this concept, then you can be relaxed. Only when you are relaxed, the potential energy then can manifest. If you know how do "Fa Jin", you should be able to understand what I mean. Relax, relax, relax.


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