Subconscious Mind and Kung Fu

Subconsciousness Mind and Kung Fu

It is a known and acceptable fact that we use just a very small capacity of our brain power. In fact, the Subconscious Mind accounts for a big percentage of our brain capacity that we seldom use. As most of us are mostly using our so-called “brain”, meaning consciously using to analysis, think, assume, infer, conclude etc, these are Conscious Mind’s domain. That is why only a small percentage of our brain capacity is used.
In most Martial Arts training, we are using this part of the brain. If one is to train with the Subconscious Mind, there will be a world of difference. 

According to recent psychological neuroscience studies, the “brain” is not only confined within the skull, but is spread throughout the body. Your “Mind” can directly or indirectly control the “involuntary function” including heartbeat, blood pressure and body temperature. In Sao Lim Wing Chun, our “Dap Sao” drills are designed for that purpose. We use our intentions to convey our conscious actions to the Subconscious Mind, internalizing the drills so that it can be “auto-pilot” when need to be used subsequently.
The key to successfully using the Subconscious Mind is to fully understand the difference between the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind. And the training, therefore, have to accommodate for that.

The Subconscious Mind holds the software of the involuntary functions, emotions, and habits. Most of our habits and emotional reactions are "written" into the Subconscious Mind as we train. That is why it is paramount that “properly designed” training has to be adopted. Wing Chun’s Chi Sao training is a good platform, but ridiculously misinterpreted by the majority. Ask yourself, are you apprehensive, presuming or assuming, anticipating, anxious and emotionally charged while doing Chi Sao? If you are, you are not achieving the right objectives of Chi Sao, which is to develop sensitivity, flow, absorb, neutralize, mindfulness etc. If your training doesn’t allow you to do that, do some “introspection”.

Good Kung Fu habits will give you good skills “programmed” into your neurological system. Therefore, good training methods are important, which will also improve your social life, in term of mindfulness, clear perception, social cohesiveness, open-mindedness and ability to handle emotional crisis better. The Ego..... is reflective of your training methods also.....,whether you are doing it “right”? Check your Ego.


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