Elaboration of Dap Sao Flow

Elaboration of Dap Sao Flow

In the Dap Sao Flow exercise, there is an element of give and take instilling into the practitioners the quality of tolerance and reflection. The practitioners learn to "listen" (have awareness) to each other physical, mental, energetic and psychological state of being at every moment. The Flow training is to simulate many sets of encounters, that is, there are numerous "starts & stops" in the continuous flow, which practitioners must understand. At the same time the practitioners must be aware of the possibilities (opportunities and dangers) and what is necessary, but without doing it. However, the practitioners must be cautious that it would not become a habit of "chasing hands".

Therefore, if possible, is to practice a "one, two and action" combination. Better still a "one check and action" kind of techniques. Whatever we train, the mind will "record" into our subconscious mind. Therefore it is important to make sure the techniques are good and effective. For certain actions are "over-trained", they will be ingrained into our mind and become habits. We are habitual beings, and bad habits are very difficult to undo. The right effective techniques must be drilled until they are internalized into our whole body and mind memory, then you will be on "auto mode".

From good techniques, develop good timings, as timing is everything. Whatever techniques you want to do, depend very much on "opportune" timing. Through good timing, your sensitivity of your opponent's energy disposition can be developed. Therefore, the techniques then can be executed effectively. This is Kung Fu.

Externally what one can see is just the physical movements, but internally the Body and Mind are strategically responding according to the physical stimuli. At higher level, different depth of  energetical engagements are happening without physical visual expression. The practitioners have no competitors, each is addressing directly to the "cause" and managing it. The "effect" will be what the other party have to address, and reciprocally. Ego is not in the play, but plainly the mind of both practitioners responding with mindfulness accordingly.

The ability to subdue the opponent and yet not hurting the opponent is also one of the objectives. if the opponent is better, then it is a good opportunity to learn something from him or her. In so doing, mutual trust and respect can be cultivated and everybody wins. With better control, one will progress to a higher skill level. The progression is definitely never ending but increasing with more experiences and training.

In Martial aspect, the purpose of these training are:- 1. To develop the opportune timing to execute the techniques. 2. To develop skills in refining the positioning during encounter. 3. To develop the sensitivity with not only the limbs but also any part of the body. 4. T provide a safe training condition to experiment and ingrain different techniques. 5. to cooperatively allow your partner the opportunity to test out some techniques, which you in turn will benefit. 6. To get familiar and confidence with in-fighting. 7. T be able to execute strikes, throws, Qinna and various techniques at close range. 8. To aware how to use "Chun Jing" due to the close contact situation. 9. To make sure the autonomic nervous system is not disturbed, by mindfulness practice (mentally) and regulation of breath (physically). 

There should not be unnecessary tension in the body, and the mind should not be stressed. Therefore, both practitioners should have consideration, tolerance and a give and take attitudes. Objectively, we want the Body and Mind to work in unison effectively with full awareness to prepare for the next stage of training, which is to develop "Yi" or "Intention".

Practicing the Dap Sao Flow, these abilities are consequently and indirectly also cultivate the following:- 

1. The ability to focus mindfully, increasing ones's concentration power ( as you need to be attentive of what the opponent is doing) 

2. The ability to control and manage one's emotion ( as each other try to give and take) 

3. The ability to have self-discipline, to be respectful and responsible to each other safety and well-being (as only through mutual sharing that both can learn and progress) 

4. The ability to manage "adversity" with adaptability and better tolerance in handling "confrontation" (as when responding to "attack", one meed to be calm and find a solution).

 5. Ability to improve health by altering the brain, body structure and function (as one practice, one's thoughts, joints and body is always fine tuning). 

6. The ability to get along with people better by weighing the pros and cons from an objective perspective ( as you "flow" in the exercise, you are always mindfully making choices and evaluating the energy in motion, your e-motion).

There are 3 stages of development ion the "Dap Sao Flow" exercise. The first level will be on the Physical Body, where one concentrates on the positioning, the movements of the arms and hands, shifting your body, using the torso core muscular structure, joint power etc. This is the level where one develops timing, tactile sensitivity and technical skills.

The second stage, will add in the Energetic Breathing aspect, to activate the Qi flow. This is the stage where one learn to "sink", "absorb" and "issue" energy. Coupled with techniques and attributes acquired in the first level, one will have the advantage over any encounters. Qinna, pressure points manipulation can then be introduced into the training with the Form and Qigong training, designed for these purposes.

The third stage, is using mental awareness to move your opponent energy center, directing your energy into your opponent's body or limbs and thus affecting your opponent's energy center etc.

In conclusion, Dap Sao Flow is more than a Martial Art's tool but also a self-cultivation modality for building and shaping our Physical Body, Energy Body, Emotional Body and Mental Body. We will elaborate more of these in our later articles. See u again.


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