Section 7 -- "Auto-Pilot" programming of Wing Chun's Bui Jee

In this Section 7, our main focus is to "internalise", develop and utilise the kinetic energy in the turning, spiraling and thrusting movements with the body and limbs.

We look into the Essence, embrace it and "auto-pilot" in practicing the Form. One of the most important lesson in Bui Jee is the spiral rotational force momentum. How to apply this skill set in In-Fighting and stand-up grappling situations should be the forte of Wing Chun practitioners. There are also many deadly striking techniques that are in the Form, like the Leopard fist to the ribs, thrusting fingers to the eyes or throat, the oblique palm strike to the liver or the lifting palm strike to the jaw. We drill this Form repeatedly so that they become second nature to use it.

As much as had been said and echoed that Wing Chun is a conceptual Art. The Form is designed to generate, inculcate and drill into our subconscious mind the concept, energy and "auto-pilot " responses to be applied accordingly and appropriately during encounters.

Besides the speciality of Bui Jee devastating spiral energy and elbows techniques, are the footwork and "shadowless" kicks. All these make use of movements, momentum, biomechanics, and sometime snappy actions.

In this section, the conceptual techniques are drilled to built up the coordination of various group of the muscular structures and joints. The principles of economy of time and space are implemented, so that the Mind and Body are in coherency. This is the most challenging part of the training in the Lotus Form, which is also a preparatory stage to the Lotus Form's part 2, the Dynamic and Combative aspect of the Form.

Here you can see the circular sweeping footwork and the subduing knees techniques in the footwork which are mostly neglected by Wing Chun practitioners. These skill sets in combination with the hand techniques and positioning will enhance one's chance of succumbing the opponent. Many throws techniques are also initiated or in combination with these skill sets to be successful.

Four fundamental "shadowless" kicks are introduced here. They are called "shadowless" because the kicks are not telegraph and are use in conjunction with the hands. The opponent will not see the kicks coming in, and this is what the Form is designed for. These techniques will make you definitely more effective and unpredictable.

The Four kicks are:-

  • the diagonal torso kick, targeting the ribs
  • the frontal torso kick, targeting the solar plexus
  • the low stamping kick, targeting the knees
  • the low side kick, targeting the calves

With the combination of hands and legs techniques, Bui Jee is a formidable asset of the Lotus Form.


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