
Showing posts from February, 2024


How are your thoughts formed. Know Yourself , to know Others If you can understand yourself, you will be able to understand others better. If you know how you think or how your thoughts come about, you can have a better knowledge of why the others think that way. As a martial artist, don't you think it is important to know what your opponent is thinking? Let's "trace" the thought process. Simply put, through the five sense organs ( the inputs) with the Root sense organ (the pineal gland), the brain (CPU) possesses the data (that is perceived to be relevant for that particular situation). The remainder data are "stored" in the subconscious mind ( 8th Consciousness). What that are "perceived" as relevant , is the work of the "thinking, discriminating and judgemental Mind ( the 7th Consciousness). The "thinking" Mind analyses based on past experiences, knowledge acquired, emotion learned, indoctrinated belief systems, cultural,


The Process of Intention to Manifestation, but the Doer is not You! If you can grasp the chain of events in the process of Intention to Manifestation, understand the underlying cause consequentially, and acknowledge the Nature of Existence, applying it to all aspects of situations you encountered in Your Life, you will be "LIBERATED"! We as Martial Artists should feel lucky as we have a training platform for the Cultivation. That is "Liberation" through Kung Fu. Let's first understand the process of how an Intention becomes a manifestation. Take an example of executing a typical straight punch.  First, in order for the punch to happen, there must be an intention. Second, you need your eyes to see that there is an opportunity, so your visual, perceptive sense organs are needed. Third, you need your mind that coheres the sensory data and relays it to your intellect so that it can decide whether or not a punch is possible. Fourth, you need an intellect


"Past Mind", "Present Mind", Casual Law and Mindfulness in Martial Art. In the last Post we have talk about the "Science of Kung Fu Mastery", and in the earlier Posts touch on the "Subconscious Mind", "Body, Mind and Soul", "Intention to Manifestation" and etc. For this Post, let's talk about the above titled topic. Our impressionable mind and innate inclination to survive, over millennial evolution, have deeply inscribed into our animated subconscious mind, the 'Fight or Flight" tendency. This may be necessary for our survival, but at the same time "program" our auto response mode, instinctively. We are automatically attached to certain assumptions, presuming certain outcome and therefore react base on that, bypassing "reality" of that moment, caused by our "untrained" limited consciousness. That is, the "Present Mind" is overshadowed by the "Past Mind". &qu


Dialogue between Samurai and Zen Master From the 35 Posts, these basically should be able to lay the foundation and understanding of the requirement and preparation of Kung Fu training. Let's wrap up this series with a "Dialogue between Samurai and Zen Master". Samurai: Master, how does "awareness" affect the realm of a martial artist? Zen Master: First "aware" your body (movements). When you are practicing, keep watching, be alert, and be aware the generation and change pf power of each movement. Zen Master: Next, it is the awareness of mind, awareness of thoughts, imagination, mind projection, and other brain activities, feeling the fluctuation of power generated by the mind, and you will be surprised by the existence of the "exhalation power" from the mind. Zen Master: The next step is to realize the harmony and union of the body and mind, to the cross-fusion of one's mind and everything eternal of the mind. Zen