The Process of Intention to Manifestation, but the Doer is not You!

If you can grasp the chain of events in the process of Intention to Manifestation, understand the underlying cause consequentially, and acknowledge the Nature of Existence, applying it to all aspects of situations you encountered in Your Life, you will be "LIBERATED"! We as Martial Artists should feel lucky as we have a training platform for the Cultivation. That is "Liberation" through Kung Fu.

Let's first understand the process of how an Intention becomes a manifestation. Take an example of executing a typical straight punch. 

  • First, in order for the punch to happen, there must be an intention.
  • Second, you need your eyes to see that there is an opportunity, so your visual, perceptive sense organs are needed.
  • Third, you need your mind that coheres the sensory data and relays it to your intellect so that it can decide whether or not a punch is possible.
  • Fourth, you need an intellect in order to make the final decision that the punch will be executed.
  • Fifth, you need the "imprint" in your mind to advise the intellect about how to punch based on the training you have acquired or through previous experiences.
  • Sixth, your Ego Mind must be willing to accept the intellect's decision or assessment and assume responsibility for executing the punch.
  • Seventh, you need emotional energy to ignite the associated body parts.
  • Eighth, you need the associated body together to mobilize the body to execute the punch.

If you take away any of these factors, not to mention the myriad other factors needed to maintain the functionality of these factors as well as the situation in which they function, no punch will be executed. In short, the mere simple execution of a punch, requires the compliance and competency of the entire field of experience. Oh my God! Such complexities in a single action, not taking into consideration other concurrent activities that will further add to the already complex manifestation. So be proud of ourselves if we can execute a Technique, a Throw, a Lock! We are really Something. For we are an intelligent manifestation of the Divine's creation meant to co-create.

But your opponent is not a wooden dummy.  He has his own strings of actions and reactions. The best you can do is your training, apply in an appropriate and timely manner. And even that doesn't guarantee that you can land the punch you desire. The list of factors that might prevent the fulfillment of a punch are just too much to mention. To cut off, too much of these intricacies, Sao Lim Wing Chun adopt the concept and principle of "Intercept, Adhere and Control". To apply the "Automation" built-in through appropriate, progressive and systematic training. Applying Mindfulness. Surrender your Ego and trust your "Original Self" to be the actual "Doer". Do you breathe when you sleep? Do your Heart need to be told to beat? The "Doer" is not You! If you can you apply this understanding, your Kung Fu should improve by leaps and bounds. Trust the Inner Master!

If consistently applied to every situation in Life, your Mind will consequently grow calm, quiet, peaceful and balance. You will be able to see subjective judgement and awareness manifesting as "All that is". Such a purified Mind will ultimately allow you to see the entire apparent reality as you, and yet know that you are as awareness are ever free of it. This is "LIBERATION".

Can Kung Fu gives me this? Speaking from experience, "YES"! Not that I have achieve it, but have a "glimpse" of what is like. Like seeing a LIGHT at the faraway end of a tunnel. Just need to make the effort to go towards it, the Kung Fu way!


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