How are your thoughts formed.

Know Yourself , to know Others

If you can understand yourself, you will be able to understand others better. If you know how you think or how your thoughts come about, you can have a better knowledge of why the others think that way. As a martial artist, don't you think it is important to know what your opponent is thinking? Let's "trace" the thought process.

Simply put, through the five sense organs ( the inputs) with the Root sense organ (the pineal gland), the brain (CPU) possesses the data (that is perceived to be relevant for that particular situation). The remainder data are "stored" in the subconscious mind ( 8th Consciousness). What that are "perceived" as relevant , is the work of the "thinking, discriminating and judgemental Mind ( the 7th Consciousness). The "thinking" Mind analyses based on past experiences, knowledge acquired, emotion learned, indoctrinated belief systems, cultural, traditional, social values, hereditary traits, DNA, past lives memories etc. The intricacies are all these that will influence the "personality" of your thoughts. These intricacies are also one of the reasons we have different opinions, as we based on what we know and not on what it is. These actions will be the basis of your cause and effect manifestation.

"YOU" are not what you think you are! But a "product" of all these listed above. If you don't realise these, it will be difficult to "change", as these "obstacles" can weigh you down, obscuring the true nature of a situation.Well, what have these got to do with Kung Fu training? Very much! If you know how your thoughts are formed, you can circumvent all these embedded obstacles. 

Thoughts are the product of what are "perceived" through the sense organs ( factually neutral), the participation of the "thinking" Mind, based on the data available in the stored memory bank, and the assumption that is made, determined the characteristic, quality and cause-of-action of your thoughts at that moment. Simply explained, is just that. But it is more complicated then that, as the Mind (7th and 8th Consciousness) tend to "reciprocate" to and fro, conjuring conclusions and still "oscillate" in all directions searching for more deductions, ending in "samsara" of thoughts. To "cut off" these reciprocating and oscillating" effect, we need to "bypass" it and access directly to the "stored memory bank' instead. However, you must have "adequate", "abundant", "healthy" bank account to draw from, that which you have accumulated, internalized all the skills through the years of "effective' efforts.

In encounter, you have to be able to act accordingly to the actions put forward by your opponent WITHOUT THINKING! Then only your "instinct" can take over, like what the acrobatic experts can. Of course, it means also what effort have you put in to "bypass" it to achieve that level of proficiency and your good fated affinity to be able to receive the mentoring opportunity. Besides these, are your determination, your aspiration and your passion to achieve accordingly. 

Sao Lim Wing Chun's Dap Sao Flow second stage drills you to be in "auto mode". Make sure you are internalizing techniques that are fail-safe, that give no room for the opponent to react or counter-attack. Make sure your techniques are also always putting you in a leading position. Only by trails and errors, with many repetitions to find what work well with you, can you achieve. Be Mindful in your training. This will help you to expedite your learning curve.


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