"Past Mind", "Present Mind", Casual Law and Mindfulness in Martial Art.

In the last Post we have talk about the "Science of Kung Fu Mastery", and in the earlier Posts touch on the "Subconscious Mind", "Body, Mind and Soul", "Intention to Manifestation" and etc. For this Post, let's talk about the above titled topic.

Our impressionable mind and innate inclination to survive, over millennial evolution, have deeply inscribed into our animated subconscious mind, the 'Fight or Flight" tendency. This may be necessary for our survival, but at the same time "program" our auto response mode, instinctively. We are automatically attached to certain assumptions, presuming certain outcome and therefore react base on that, bypassing "reality" of that moment, caused by our "untrained" limited consciousness. That is, the "Present Mind" is overshadowed by the "Past Mind". "Mindfulness" can not happen!

(There will be a series of topics on the Subconscious Mind in a separate Blogpost)

From Martial Art training, we can see these obvious phenomena. We must understand that for every cause of action, there will be a reaction of the effect. Interestingly, martial art can help us to realize these. Probably, it is easier to grasp these understanding  (Casual Law) than through the philosophy of religions or theology studies. Many a time, we react to an action myopically, mentally "trapped" by the interpretation of the "Past Mind", not seeing other concurrent actions happening at the same time. Why? Because the "Present Mind" is shrouded by the "Past Mind". Martial Art, properly trained, with these understanding, can remove this "shroud", elevating your consciousness level. Through martial art, with proper mentoring and practices, you can achieve "Mindfulness". 

Sao lim Wing Chun training, teaches you to be in the Moment. Let you realize the duality of each encounter and an overview of that moment's situation. As an opportunity may be a crisis in disguise, reversely, a crisis may be a blessing in disguise. In every crisis there are many opportunities, hat many sages had said, is a tried fact. It is a matter of how you "transform' your mind. With "Mindfulness" you will not be trapped and deceived by the Ego Mind, using the past impressions it was fed, and making conclusion based on past experiences. Similarly, in our daily life, there are many duality in each situation. Martial Art training, give you a platform, in a safe and experimentation arena to experience the duality of life, seeing Life in a broader perspective.

Overcome, overwhelm and transform Life with "Mindfulness". Life will be mortally more meaningful and rewarding for the Soul's journey!


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