The Four Elements of Kung Fu

The four elements, namely Earth, Water, Fire and Air describe the characteristics of some movements or techniques. These four elements also correspond to our four "Body", the Physical, Energy, Emotion, Mental body. If you link all the information that you can find in the past 3 posts, you will have a very good understanding of the potential capability and capacity of each technique. This will make a vast difference in the performance of a particular technique. 

Let's take Lap Sao as an example and dissect into it. It is a "sink" movement of Earth element, meaning you should make use of the Physical body mass and breathe out as you execute the downwards spiral motion. In the process you should be "grounded" and stable (tighten your perineum while doing the Lap Sao action, if you want to). So you are using the "Chen" fundamental skill, the spiral motion of the elliptical motion, using Apana vayu to effect the Earth element through the Physical Body as a weighted medium. If you train repetitively and sufficiently just this technique, you will definitely have a very effective Lap Sao skill. 

Let's look into one more technique of Fa Sao. It is a "spit" movement of Fire element, meaning you should make use of the Emotional energy, stretching and inhale at the same time, breath out upon striking the target. So you are using the "Tu" fundamental skill, the swing motion of one of the three elliptical motion, depending on the target position, and using the Maha vayu to power the strike with the Fire element of the Emotion body.

How to do a very defensive "Tun" skill with Fuk Sao, which many practitioners do not make good use of it. The movement to "swallow", relaxing with your Energy body inhaling and exhaling with the Samana vayu into the torso, making use of the "Water" element of fluidity that receives, absorbs and dissolves the vector force at the same time with the use of one of the basic elliptical motion.

The Tok Sao is a "Fu" movement, like the "Air" element "rise" with the the Mental Intent, assisted by the Udana vayu, with the energy surging upwards, the spine extending.

The above examples, hope to "open" your mind into the different aspect of concepts, principles and energy that are involved in a simple action. The real challenge is what can we do in a combative encounter to apply all the above in a volatile, changing condition. Dap Sao Flow is a training to develop the sensitivity and restrain the volatile possibilities to a minimum because we "intercept, adhere and control".

We have tremendous potential in us that is not discovered and therefore untapped. See where this is pointing to? What stopping us, is "Our False Belief"....... that we need "Master" to teach us. We already have an "Inner Master". We are already endowed with a Physical Body, a Energy Body, an Emotion Body and a Mental Body. We only need to be told, inform, or shown by someone, even in the Internet. We need only to be awakened of the potential already in us. Next is our effort, our dedication, our commitment and the willingness to come out of our comfort zone. to acquired it. 

Many Masters, especially in the Internal martial arts, state that it is the Body that do the fighting, the limbs are the extension and expression of it. Trust the above examples shed some light of the meaning of the statement. Therefore, Kung Fu is really not just random, hard or only physical movements in strikes, kicks or throws. There is a whole science of it in the physical aspect, energetic aspect, emotional aspect and mental aspect. In that respect it is also a science of the Body and Mind. It is also a marvelous platform to cultivate the Body, Mind and Soul. Hope to touch a little of these in the next post. 


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